Hello to all Boarders and Students!
Wow, what a summer it has been! Since horse shows opened up again we hit the ground running and haven’t stopped.
Read about the success of the summer as well as upcoming events below!
In preparation of our fall winter and spring activities, we had a footings expert visit to regrade and laser level the arena to keep our footing in tip top shape. We also had him look at our outdoor ring and he gave us an idea of the costs and materials that we can use to improve it. We are also planning to do a lot of landscape and renovating of the arena and barn yard to try to improve the drainage of the property as well.
All of these things are extremely costly and we need to be able to sort them into the budget, so we ask that you please be patient while we add improvements one piece at a time.
We plan to host more clinics and schooling shows in the spring to continue the education of our riders. We are really hoping to see everyone participate in as many functions as possible! We are excited for the 2022 show season and hope to see you all there.
Until then, stay safe and happy riding!
- Coach Cathy
Foothills Farm is thrilled to announce that Barney has been named the North Zone Horse of the Year at the Ontario Collegiate Equestrian Association (OCEA) Year-End Banquet!